🤖 Creating overview is difficult
We scan your organization for a complete overview.
🚀 Cancellation at the right time is easily overlooked
We send you notifications when to cancel what license.
🔎 Get your quickscan for free
We e-mail your savings amount for free within 24h.
* The savings guide and notification service costs € 95,- and
can be purchased through the email containing the savings amount.
No matter how large your organization, or how many licenses, Licensemeister's tools have you covered. The only thing you have to do is take actions to our recommendations
*Your creditcard information is necessary to complete the order. A promotional code is used to complete the process with free payment.
The Full Audit Report and notification service can be purchased from the email that contains your savings. The Full Audit Report contains the features below:
* You will receive an estimate of your potential savings
for free before committing to the full Audit Report